Real-time Business Address Lookup
The Mzuzi addressfinder is the most comprehensive in all the EAC member states, providing 100% verified postcode data
The Mzuzi addressfinder is the most comprehensive in all the EAC member states, providing 100% verified postcode data
100% verified postcode addresses
Type a part of a business name, or address to begin
Government and private hospitals allotted a free Mzuzi postcode address in the region
Government entitiess allotted a free Mzuzi postcode address
Free Mzuzi postcodes allotted to individuals and businesses.
App-solutely fascinating! Do you need to move from point A to point B without asking for directions? The Mzuzi Postcode App is here to get you there.
First, register for the App. It only takes a moment and you will save time later, or just login if you're already registered, make "Your Today's Visit List", and get going.