Mzuzi Group Limited

The Mzuzi postcode is unique to every address and accurately identifies the location of the address which can be viewed live on google maps. Whether you’re frustrated with deliveries not getting to your address, or having to give directions to taxi drivers, visiting friends or relatives, and attending any function, and or a meeting. Mzuzi postcode will help accurately direct parcels, deliveries, and people to the right correct address easily and quickly.

  • The Mzuzi Postcode is Uganda’s national postcode system designed to help individuals and businesses accurately find and locate addresses online and offline. 
  • It facilitates national planning programs. 
  • The postcode is used for legal identification purposes.
  • Facilitates better E-government. i.e., planning and delivery of public services to the citizenry. 
  • Used for emergency services. It makes it quicker for medical, fire, ambulance, and community policing services to easily locate the addresses and how to get there in the event of emergencies.
  • Improved transport, logistics, and distribution planning. Allows individuals, delivery, and courier companies to accurately identify the address for route optimization, and for deliveries to get to the right location. It also enhances postal and delivery services.
  • Used to plan and provide essential services like housing, banking, health, electricity, water, education, security, and policing more effectively. 
  • Provide local, regional, and international connectivity. Enhances the country’s mapping and global visibility.
  • It is an enabler for online business (e-commerce). It makes it easy to conduct business online, and shop online. 
  • Crime and fraud prevention.  
  • Greatly facilitates tourism activities.
  • Provides faster, better, and efficient customer services based on customers' location. 
  • Employment creation. 


Last Updated: 20-Aug-2024